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As a teacher of histology or anatomo-pathology you would like your student to explore and annotate your whole-slide images while following conventional microscopy courses as closely as possible. You may also want to setup different type of activities, depending on their year grade

Cytomine is a full web-based virtual microscope, available anywhere at any time and compatible with all major whole-slide imaging formats so you can work on your entire collection and the collections of your colleagues too. As a result your students learn more effectively with different types of interactive activities according to their year grade. Cytomine can be synchronised with your institutional Learning Management System, allowing automated student registration.

The closest you can get to a real microscope


Storage : Cytomine supports various different whole slide imaging formats, allowing you to benefit from all the scanners in your institution and to provide your students with the best didactic slides in your collection (see footnote for the supported whole-slide image formats). Just upload your images to your Cytomine server and make them readily available to your colleagues and students.

Collaborative annotation : your students can benefit from your annotations and feature descriptions, and those of your colleagues, or you can ask them to annotate specific structures to achieve your teaching goals. Cytomine helps students to discover features in whole-slide images by highlighting annotations and associating them with descriptions from your courses. The platform can also be synchronized with your institutional Learning Management System allowing automated student registration.

Human-Assisted Machine Learning, and Reporting are features that are more specific to research and routine in anatomo-pathology, but could be used innovative teaching activities. The limit to novel approaches in e-learning is only your imagination !


  • Supported whole-slide image formats: JP(E)G, PNG, BMP, TIF, TIFF, SVS, SVS, SCN, NDPI, VMS, MRXS, VSI.
  • Cytomine proposes slide scanning services.

Cytomine's virtual microscope

Cytomine Corporation SA

Quai Banning 6, B-4000 Liège
VAT BE0762634091

Jean Beka (CEO) +32 496 57 24 15

Gregoire Vincke (CMBDO) +32 467 12 88 92