Collaborative analysis of multi-gigapixel imaging data using Cytomine

Bioinformatics. 2016 May 1;32(9):1395-401. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw013. Epub 2016 Jan 10.

Raphaël Marée, Loïc Rollus, Benjamin Stévens, Renaud Hoyoux, Gilles Louppe, Rémy Vandaele, Jean-Michel Begon, Philipp Kainz, Pierre Geurts, Louis Wehenkel

Motivation: Collaborative analysis of massive imaging datasets is essential to enable scientific discoveries.

Results: We developed Cytomine to foster active and distributed collaboration of multidisciplinary teams for large-scale image-based studies. It uses web development methodologies and machine learning in order to readily organize, explore, share and analyze (semantically and quantitatively) multi-gigapixel imaging data over the internet. We illustrate how it has been used in several biomedical applications.

Availability and implementation: Cytomine ( is freely available under an open-source license from A documentation wiki ( and a demo server ( are also available.


Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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